A Letter from Grateful Recipients of the Hanukkah Card and Gift Program

Dear JCRS staff,
Thank you so much for the wonderful gifts and gift cards that we received this year for our boys for the Hanukkah. They are greatly appreciated and cherished in our family. It makes it especially special to see the personal touches such as hand made Hanukkah card and to realize that it was probably decorated by other children. We have been lucky recipients of the generous gifts from JCRS for a number of years and every year the gifts brought joy and happiness to our Hanukkah celebration. My husband and I are both immigrants from the Former Soviet Union. We are both Jews, we have 3 sons. The first son’s barmitzva was the 1st in our family since before the Soviet revolution over 100 years ago. He is a high school senior and plans on studying for an engineer. The second son is 12 and has all A’s so far this year, and he also wants to be an engineer , He is preparing for his barmitzva in September of 2017. Our third son is a second grader and appreciates Hanukkah gifts from JCRS the most. We appreciate all the hard work and the expense that goes into making these gifts happen for our family.


A Letter from Grateful Recipients of the Hanukkah Card and Gift Program2022-06-08T09:37:03+00:00

“We were grateful recipients for our 4 children this year and it made their Hanukkah so memorable”

Thank you so much for reaching out. I am most grateful that this program exists.
We have struggled a lot in the last few years. I recently lost our main source of income when my oil and gas job disappeared with the industry downturn. But thank G-d my cancer is gone, I finished all my treatments last March and had my port removed just a few weeks ago. My visually-impaired husband has been steady as a rock through it all.

It is my sincerest hope, once our situation improves, that we will be able to give back to the organizations that have helped through these tough times. We were grateful recipients for our 4 children this year and it made their Hanukkah so memorable to be able to have something to open each night, which would never have happened otherwise. There were even some handmade cards, just like we make for our friends’ birthdays, to go along with the already wrapped and sorted gifts. Our kids are unfortunately aware that money is tight, so being able to shower them with meaningful gifts was such a blessing for them.

One of the favorite gifts was rock crystals and my son was so excited to add to his rock collection! Another was a cherry-picker truck. My son was in heaven over that one – perfect size for Lego men to ride in ;). My daughter wasn’t sure what to do with the huge crayons, until she realized they actually were flavored lip balms – loves them! Believe it or not, the teddy bear went to my oldest son (12) who sleeps with it nightly. He has quite a collection, but only the softest and most cherished ones get to snuggle all night. We were even able to use some gifts for their contribution to our shul’s kids grab bag (put one in, take one out)

The gift cards also went to great use. Our family tradition is to get a new “something comfy” for the first night’s gift (pajamas, robe, etc) With the gift cards I was able to get PJs for the little boys, a soft robe for the girl-which she sleeps in every night, and slippers for all – to continue our tradition. The oldest one was also able to get a jacket and long pants for the winter since his other ones were 2 inches too short. And, since it was Walmart gift cards, I was also able to get the gift of the singing Maui doll from Moana which was my child’s biggest request for weeks. [Only available at Wal-Mart, and I got it at a discount because it was missing the “hook” which would have quickly gotten broken or lost in our house anyway]

Last year, I literally cried upon receipt of the mountain of gifts for our children. I am proud to say that the kids asked to light the menorahs each night because they knew that they each had a gift of some kind to open. This year the gift cards were such a bonus to be able to get them exactly what they needed and wanted most.

We can not thank you enough for the generosity of the gifts, time, energy and thoughtfulness that putting this operation together must take. Thank you so much for the miracle of making this Hannukah so joyous for our children.

A Family

“We were grateful recipients for our 4 children this year and it made their Hanukkah so memorable”2017-02-20T19:33:35+00:00

“The JCRS has been helping my mom the past number of years make my Hanukkahs very nice, more than very nice.”

Hi, Mr. Goldberg.

The JCRS has been helping my mom the past number of years make my Hanukkahs very nice, more than very nice. She really can not afford much, as she is single and we have not had communication with my father for as long as I can remember. He is not a part of our lives and he has not given my mom our due child support in over 10 years. My mom does not see fit to try for it anymore since she just works extra hard to give us what we need and most grateful she has primary custody of both my brother and myself.
For the JCRS to continue to support us is really amazing, so I just wanted to really and truly thank you and let you know how much it means to my family. I know that you all are also helping my brother with college funds and there really are not enough thanks for all. What my brother and I do as we have learned from my mom, is to try to make the people who are so giving proud of us and worthy of THEIR support. My brother and I have worked most hard at our schools, in the Jewish community, and in city programs to always give back to others and do lots of mitzvoth all the time.

I really thank you for all of the cool gifts. I especially loved all of the sports stuff, my favorite being the book about the Longhorns because all of my family went to UT, and now my brother is there.

Thank you and everyone at JCRS.

A Teenager

“The JCRS has been helping my mom the past number of years make my Hanukkahs very nice, more than very nice.”2017-02-20T19:33:44+00:00
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